Oct 24, 2007


A word we all use... daily, casually. But what really is the meaning and/or definition of the word 'happiness'? I asked around and was amazed at the wide range of responses I got, from the mundane to the clearly belong in a padded room with bars category.

For some its good food, some drink, some sex, some money. Its also clothes, shoes, location of abode, country of abode, car you drive, etc.

Its also the ability to beat up a spouse, sibling, rival or neighbor. For some its silence, some music, some kids, and some animals. we truly are a divers lot, us humans... and our answers proves it.

The picture here says what it is for someone...


Afrobabe said...

naughty man...love the pic...and yes happiness is good, no make that great sex!

tboz said...

Great sex is alright... true happiness is when you still love the person the morning after...

ibiluv said...

the pic......*wink*